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Objektivitet: en ekonomisk fråga?: Urvalsfaktorer bakom inköp av utländska dagstidningar på svenska folkbibliotek
University of Borås, Swedish School of Library and Information Science.
University of Borås, Swedish School of Library and Information Science.
2010 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)Student thesisAlternative title
Objectivity : an economical question?: Factors behind selection and purchase of foreign newspapers in Swedish public libraries (English)
Abstract [en]

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and understand the existing factors behind the selection of foreign newspapers in Swedish public libraries. We wanted to study this subject because the political situation in many countries is reflected in the newspapers and can cause difficulties in the selection process. Examples of this can be how to avoid newspapers with political propaganda and with censored content. Another reason for our interest in this subject is based on our prejudice that newspapers from other countries are important for people with foreign background. To answer the question we have conducted qualitative interviews with five persons who are responsible for the purchase of foreign newspapers at four libraries. The theoretical framework consists of hermeneutics. While analyzing the interviews we have used the hermeneutic spiral as an instrument. We found several factors behind the selection of foreign newspapers and we divided them into four categories: factors for purchase, factors for none purchase, selection criterions and “signs” of “objectivity” and “neutrality”. The most significant factor for purchase was if the library received a purchase proposal from visitors. Economy was regarded as the largest obstacle for not to purchase. Furthermore, request was the most important selection criteria. All of our respondents tried to have a wide selection of political opinions represented at the library even if they only could afford one single newspaper for each region in question. In that case they purchased a newspaper as neutral as possible. Those libraries that could afford several newspapers from each region achieved political distribution by buying newspapers from different countries of publication and at the same time they could avoid buying newspapers with censured content or with political propaganda.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
University of Borås/Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) , 2010.
Kandidatuppsats ; 2010:35
Keywords [en]
urvalsprocess, objektivitet, neutralitet, politisk spridning
Keywords [sv]
folkbibliotek, utländska dagstidningar, invandrare, medieinköp
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-20034Local ID: 2320/6486OAI:, id: diva2:1311968
Available from: 2019-04-30 Created: 2019-04-30

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