Ungdomlig ålderdom: hur modeföretag marknadsför sig bättre hos äldre kvinnor
2009 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))
Student thesisAlternative title
Youthful old age : how fashion industry make successful marketing in the market segment older women (English)
Abstract [en]
When the competition is getting stronger and companies must work harder to find new markets, new products and create new needs to reach growth, it appears strange that they overlook an obvious target segment right in front of their eyes. For some years ago, marketers of fashion brands feared that older women would wear their clothes, because it gave bad promotion for the young economically viable target group. Today, older women have difficulties finding clothes with right fit, style and personal taste. They would gratefully accept a brand, they felt were aimed for them. The purpose of this study is to give new ideas to companies in the fashion industry, how to reach this target group, but also be a contributing reason for older women to see the market opening for them. Through interviews with older women and industry specialists and questionnaires, interesting facts are gathered how fashion companies create strategies successfully. It is time to seriously notice the target group and respect them, as a group with great purchasing power. The company first to succeed can expect good returns, loyal customers and perhaps competitive immunity. In the nearest future when the baby boomers are about to retire, there are all reasons to comply with their needs. They have plenty of money they are planning to spend, active lives were they need clothes for different occasions and they will fill their lives with experiences they had no time to do before. With right strategies comes growth – so go out and catch them!
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
University of Borås/Swedish School of Textiles , 2009.
Keywords [en]
older women, competitive advantage, fashion industry, differentiation, older women buying behavior, modebranschen
Keywords [sv]
konkurrensfördelar, äldre kvinnors köpbeteende
National Category
Economics and Business
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-19328Local ID: 2320/4836OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hb-19328DiVA, id: diva2:1311262
Program: Textilekonomutbildningen magister