This Master’s thesis investigates user education at high school libraries. The aim of this study is to examine user education and the educational approach that librarian’s experience in their teaching. The method used for the study is qualitative interviews with seven high school librarians. The librarians in the interviews were all educated after the Swedish University reform in 1993. The interviews are analysed and presented by using Carol Kuhlthau’s and Olof Sundin’s theories about the pedagogical educational approach often used by librarians. Five of the librarians focused on a Source approach and on a Pathfinder approach. Two of the librarians focused on the students’ information process and discussed different sources with the students. Just one of the librarians wants to change the education approach. A surprising result as several of the librarians weren’t pleased with the students’ information qualifications. The examined librarians experienced the educational approach in a similar way, only two of the interviewed librarians experienced it in a different way. The reason for the result may be that the time the librarians have at their hands is limited. The librarians also get influences from more experienced colleagues and their educational approach. Another reason can be that teacher and student have prejudices about what a librarian can and should do and that their opinions affect the librarians and their educational approach.