Projects to equip every student and teacher with a laptop, with the intention to improve academic results, have rapidly spread through the country. New technology, new contents and new ways of learning have changed the learning envi-ronment. The school library, being a part of this environ-ment, faces the same changes and challenges. The purpose of this thesis is to study how the school library is being affected when a One-to-One project is carried out in a learning environment. The research questions concern how the school library is viewed within the organization and also how the change affects both the school library and the school librarian. The empirical material of the thesis includes five qualitative interviews carried out on location, at a single selected school. The interviews are followed by a study of relevant documents, all produced within the organization. To understand the organization in which the school library operates, as well as the school library itself, I chose to divide the theoretical approach in two: Christensen’s et al. organiza-tion theory and Loertscher’s taxonomies for school libraries. As the results show the school library and the school librari-an are considered to be an important participant of the im-plementation process, and to enhance the students ability to reach their academic goals. The school library seems to be-come a natural part of the organization to a higher extent and the librarian is no longer tied only to the physical library.