The emergence of biodesign, as a new field in design, opens up the design process for new methods, techniques and materials, consequently these new possibilities offer special potential for the textile design practice i.e. integrating living systems into textile structures. The purpose of this work is to develop knowledge on dynamic and active expressions through using bio–based materials in textile design processes. Major placeholders are exploring new forms of plant organization, and challenging existing concepts of living with plants, focusing on surface aesthetics. By practice–based design research, the experimental design explorations will illustrate the expressiveness of growth, wilderness and decay, using moisture, light and heat as design materials. This pictorial shows 10 sets of experiments that explore dynamic transformations of bio–based materials such as seeds and plants in interaction with textile materials and techniques like weaving, knitting and crochet. Consequently, the experiments illustrate potentialities in a design space where plants are placed as living materials for new processes and dynamic expressions. Subsequently, these materials open up the discussion on alternative aesthetics when designing interior textiles and designing spatial scenarios with them. The integration of living systems and dynamic expressions, especially towards growth, wilderness and decay, rises new issues i.e. their integration, maintenance, application and interaction.