Nursing Care of children is complex and nurses need specific knowledge in meeting children to ensure high quality care. Caring for children based on their age, developmental stage and maturity can be a challenge for nurses and sets demands on care. When the CRC becomes law in Sweden 2020 children’s rights will be strengthened and we can expect repercussions in the quality of care delivered to children in need
The aim of this study was to investigate the degree to which nurses in paediatric hospital services work in compliance with the CRC.
Nurses in paediatric services in Western Sweden answered a survey on if their work situation allowed them to give care to children in accordance with the CRC. Survey responses (n=69) were analysed with descriptive analysis. Personal interviews were performed with paediatric nurses (n=9) and analysed with a qualitative content analysis.
Nurses working in paediatric services are well aware of children’s rights in health care and strive to meet children’s needs. However, a stressed working situation with lack of time and/or an environment that is not child friendly means that their caring is not always optimal. Children are not participatory to the degree nurses would wish then to be and the CRC stipulates they should.
Nurses working with children show competence in and knowledge of children’s needs. However thay are limited by their working environments. Clear guidelines and working tools such as time for reflection are suggestions of measures that need to be taken to ensure compliance with the upcoming demands of the CRC.