Dual dispatch with emergency medical services and other first responders can shorten response time at acute illness with several minutes. The project interactional imply that home health nurses (HHN) can be called out to patients while waiting for ambulance (WWFA) to arrive.
Aim of this study was to investigate and get an understanding of how HHN that have attended at a WWFA-assignment were prepared before joining interactional care and how the clinical competence can be developed.
Eleven HHN in six municipalities were interviewed and qualitative consent analysis was used to interpret data.
Findings shows two main categories: preparations and develop professional competence and associated sub-categories. HHN needed to widened their knowledge and carry out new assignments. Reflection and feedback is missed in the process of developing professional competence.
Feedback and reflection are warranted by HHNs but have to be planned and structured by management.