The aim of this study is to explore opportunities for e-commerce companies to develop their websites to reduce consumers perception of risk in e-commerce. Risk is a major part of e-commerce and the study is expected to give an idea of the factors and variables that affect the consumer's perception of risk and how they are thinking while buying a product or service online. Trust is considered to play an important role when it comes to consumers decision making in e-commerce. E-commerce companies need to understand how consumers trust can be created and it is very important that they know what factors and variables actually affect the consumers trust. The qualitative method used in this study was semistructured interviews with ten participants. The method is used to understand people's opinions, perceptions and experiences. We found that there are seven factors that positively and negatively affect the users' risk perception: design, contact information, return policy, reputation (friends opinions and reviews), payment method, trustmarks and encryption. These factors also appear strongly in previous research in different ways and our results thereby validate the findings of these prior studies. In our study, demographic variables do not have a major impact. And we find that there are greater differences between different individuals than between gender, age and education.