This work is a exploration of objects, selected out of personal perception, in relation to clothes and body with focus on composition by the means of different placements on the body where the goal is to find new expressions in dress. Objects have been the interest of many artists throughout history, objects surround us everyday and we constantly have a connection to them. Instead of only using the objects in this work they are given a new purpose, to be worn. The exploration in the work is based on openly finding objects to study, the selection of which is based upon the suggestion of object selection in Clemens Thornquist’s, Wonder Room:realizsing a world (2010). This work argues that by using known pre-existing everyday objects as a material base and to study its relationship with clothes and body it will open up for new expressions in clothing design. The final result can be viewed upon as seven examples which is a clear product of the study in objects and how they relate to body and clothes, but it can also be seen as a suggestion for others wanting to study design based in object research.