This thesis explores requirements for a health website made to support Cuba’s and its people’s development, in terms of improved health and wellbeing, through access to user-centred online health information. The study uses semi-structured interviews to investigate how health information is accessed in Cuba today, the need for certain types of health information, and the role of the currently limited internet access in Cuba. The study shows that Cubans often turn to friends, family, and contacts to access health information, due to the slow process of accessing it through the local clinics and the limited possibilities of accessing it online. The study also shows there is a demand for a wider range of health information than what is currently accessible from official sources, in addition to health information that is adapted specifically to Cuban conditions. Employing research based around health website and low-bandwidth design, the study uses the requirements established from the interviews as a basis in the production of a development proposal for a Cuban, user-centred health website.