The exploration of material is in a performance, that is investigating how human interactions develop when spaces are designed using smell as a design material. In the digital world, the touch and the sensation to the physical materials are lacking in everyday life. However, at the same time, the need to be connected to ourselves through our body is ever growing. This however is quite unlike to our affinity of moving fast in all aspects of life. As Juhani Pallasmaa (2012) points out that a haptic architecture brings about slowness and intimacy which is understood and appreciated only gradually with time. Also, written by Ezio Manzini (1989) touch being the most analytic of all the human senses, can help us explore the shapes and surfaces of a material better than the eyes.
In an attempt to re-initiate the experience through the sense of smell and touch, this paper aims to question how can smells be used as a design material in our living environments. Speculating buildings and interior spaces, using invisible immaterial, this research is focusing on ways of designing interactions with smells and how these interactions open or close architectural spaces without having physical boundaries. In this paper, the design experiments are investigating how we will respond and interact with smell in architectural spaces.