As a collaborative proposal for a presentation at the Symposium, we suggest a performance/workshop format. The invited participant enacts a specific spatial atmosphere of a design studio, where smells are quintessential to a working space and also to the design process. This workshop/performance becomes a method to investigate, how the spaces can be arranged using the olfactive boundaries. If the tactile surfaces create non-visual expressions going beyond a graphical and visual representation. And how change in smells make a distinctive effect in design decisions and design processes for a designer.
Additionally, the workshop/performance is an experimental research presentation format that enables an activated state (smells) and gives a playground for learning. It is a way to display, explore and finally, to discuss the ‘designer experience’ conveyed by embodied interactions with the materials.
We use the design studio as a framework which is susceptible to be adaptive, hence open for negotiation with existing conditions. We also estimate the importance for it to articulate the tactile, visual and verbal aspects of the designing environment. Therefore, studio as a stage, a material setting to improvise and enact with, is more specifically what interests us.