Multimorbidity, a condition common among olderadults, may be regarded as a failure of a complex system.The aim of this study was to describe the corecomponents in health and social care management forolder adults with multimorbidity. A cross-sectionaldesign included two methods: individual interviews andgroup discussions. A total of 105 participants includedolder adults with multimorbidity and their relatives,care staff and healthcare policymakers. Data were analysedusing content analysis. The results show thatseven core components comprise a multiperspective
view of health and social care management for olderadults with multimorbidity: political steering, leadership,cooperation, competence, support for relatives, availabilityand continuity. Steps should be taken to ensure thatevery older adult with multimorbidity has a treatmentplan according to a multiperspective view to preventfragmentation of their health care. This study providesrelevant evidence developing a multiperspective modelof health and social care management for older adultswith multimorbidity.