The interest of this work is found in the potential ways of constructinggarments and how form can be explored within that field.This work explores how one can use draping as a construction methodapplied on garments to change the traditional shape and to create new formand silhouettes.
The possibility to create form by using two depending components is thefoundation and aim of this collection. It will embrace different qualities inmaterials and challenge traditional garments and the view on how we usuallyand suppose to wear these garments.
Garments are dependent mostly on the body of the wearer in first hand, onecould say that this work challenges that order when the two pieces aredeveloped being dependent on each other in first hand.
Through relationship of fastening and uniting materials I will explore thepossibilities within form and volume and push the expression within thebasic forms within a traditional wardrobe.
My aim is to further investigate the possibilities within womens wear bylooking at material, color and silhouette through a deconstructed way ofdraping.
A collection of seven outfits is the result of this work. The outfits willchallenge the field of construction and how we traditionally make garments.The shapes and expression will be based on the interaction between garmentsand the materials.