In the field of knitting, the binding weave knitting is mainly used for technical textiles, where the textiles have a high performance require- ment. Weave knit is constructed by placing an inlay thread between the knitting rows in a similar manner as a weft thread in a woven tex- tile. This work sets out to design three-dimensional weave-knitted tex- tiles in combination with intarsia and partial knit with the intention to develop surface pattern on three-dimensional shapes. The material used are effect yarn, monofilament and chenille yarn, which improve the properties of the textile. The three techniques enhance each other by their characteristics and give the possibility of formability. The re- sult shows an installation of textiles with three-dimensional character- istics, meant for spatial contexts which have the ability to function with light. The value of this work lies in the combination of the techniques and the application area in which the work is set.