This article aims at advancing research on value creation in service marketing by applying theories of turn-taking and multimodality. It is argued that there is a need to uncover what is inherent in the prefix ‘co’ in value co-creation and that focus needs to be broadened, from perception of value to the production of value, that is, the specific reciprocal and embodied actions in service encounters.
For the analysis, an empirical study of complex interactions between service providers and customers is used. A practice approach is applied, combining interviews and observations of interactants in situ.
The article identifies four specific turn-taking patterns, ranging from ‘simple’ to ‘elaborated’, defined by their character and that uncover how the interactants reciprocally use multiple modes in the production of social outcomes.
Theoretically, the study contributes to more fine-grained explanations to what explains the creation (and destruction) of value.