This bachelor thesis concerns the impact of new media on thee-legal deposit in Sweden. The aim is to gain further knowledge onthe conceptions of digital media that are expressed in the textanalysed, and the impact of theese conceptions on the law ofe-legal deposit. It is commonly agreed that born-digital materialshould be comprised within legal deposit, but there seems to bedifferent views regarding the scope of what should be collectedwithin the law. The material analysed is the government bill onelectronic legal deposit from 2012 (Regeringens proposition2011/12:121). The method used is a discourse analysis inspired bythe theories of the french historian of ideas and social theoristMichel Foucault. Questions posed in this study are whichknowledge claims that can be found in the text about net producedand net distributed media content, and about the production andcirculation of this content. Another question posed is what impactthose conceptions and knowledge claims might have on theframing of the law on e-legal deposit in Sweden. The result of theanalysis is discussed in the light of the american media scholarHenry Jenkin’s theories on media convergence. The conclusion isamong other things that the statements in the text in a way shut outconceptions of a new media situation by clinging on to certaincriterias regarding what should be collected within the law one-legal deposit. Another conclusion is that it might be difficult tostick to the thought of completeness that always have been animportant idea concerning the law on legal deposit in Sweden.