With the rapid revolution within networks as well as social media, today people face areal well-rounded and colorful high-tech world. Indeed, the technology of socialmedia changes the way that people socialize and communicate. What is more, thepotential of the social media is limitless, because we can see the combination betweenthe classroom and networks for the communication within a group chatting on acourse discussion. This is really used in our life, especially in western countries. Bycomparison, the model or pattern of learning by using social media in China is quitedifferent. This is why this paper focuses on the perspective of undergraduates’attitudes as well as behaviors when they use Hatcheck during their studying life.Hatcheck is the biggest application for socializing in China and is seen as a ChineseFacebook. How can it change Chinese students’ manners to learn and how canstudents manage their learning process self-regulatory? This will be discussed withinthis paper.