This research project addresses the conference theme of citizenship and inclusion. Variables of class, gender and ethnicity are here vital in evaluating the meaning of inclusion – both in a wider societal context, and how it affects individuals’ perspective on opportunities. This project description is part of a doctoral thesis, and addresses the issues: (1) which student groups are entering an average-sized Swedish University College, and (2) how students allocate their education as a resource in relation to their social grouping. The selected University College for a case study is characterised by advocating closeness between study programmes and working-life, and the social background of the students is fairly heterogeneous. Many of the students are women, and the issue of gender in relation to qualitative and quantitative goals of higher education is essential. The working hypothesis states that patterns of social stratification persist in Swedish higher education, and this leads to the question of how an increased number of students in higher education relates to goals of equality and diversity. Methods used are both qualitative and quantitative.