The scientific interest in volatile fatty acids (VFAs) as an energy source and chemical precursor in ruminant diets has been longstanding, as it has significant implications for animal physiology and well-being. The present study explores the substitution of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) derived from agro-food residues via acidogenic fermentation as an alternative energy source in ruminant feed. Utilizing the gas production method, rumen digestibility assays were conducted, wherein the recovered VFA effluent from the acidogenic fermentation of apple pomace and potato protein liquor was substituted for 10%, 20%, and 30% of the total mixed ration (TMR) energy. Various parameters such as gas, VFA yield and composition, VFA peak intervals, changes in pH, and ammonium nitrogen content were investigated. Based on the results obtained, provision of 20% and 30% of the energy with VFAs did not increase methane production or did not cause significant pH alternations. Nevertheless, such supplementation resulted in increased production and accumulation of VFAs in the rumen media. The bioconversion of agro-food side streams into VFAs opens a new path in sustainable nutrient recovery and feed production from low value agro-industrial residues.