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Doracic, Alen
Publications (9 of 9) Show all publications
Dahl, T. A., Dahlström, M., Doracic, A. & Maceviciute, E. (2018). Scandinavian cooperation in teaching a joint Master’s course on e-books. In: Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić, Vittore Casarosa, and Elena Macevičiūtė (Ed.), The Future of Education in Information Science: Proceedings from FEIS – International EINFOSE Symposium 10–11 September 2018 Pisa, Italy. Paper presented at FEIS – International Symposium organized by EINFOSE, Pisa, Italy 10–11 September, 2018. (pp. 35-45). Osijek, Croatia
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Scandinavian cooperation in teaching a joint Master’s course on e-books
2018 (English)In: The Future of Education in Information Science: Proceedings from FEIS – International EINFOSE Symposium 10–11 September 2018 Pisa, Italy / [ed] Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić, Vittore Casarosa, and Elena Macevičiūtė, Osijek, Croatia, 2018, p. 35-45Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The aim of the paper is to share the experience of collaboration among Scandinavian iSchools in creating and implementing a joint course. The authors explore their own activity and documentation produced in relation to the collaboration around the development and implementation of the advanced course on ebooks. The results of the collaboration are expressed in terms of new experience, knowledge, and implementation of a new course on the advanced level for library and information science students. The results of the paper generalize these experiences and present the challenges and lessons learned in the process of collaboration. The paper presents a workable administrative model for cross-national joint courses. In addition, it outlines design and teaching methods for a Master’s course on e-books for library and information science students. A joint course with a shared syllabus and cross-national teacher teams gives added value to the students by getting the best out of the combined expertise. Administrative details should be implemented locally at the collaborating universities rather than try to standardise everything.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Osijek, Croatia: , 2018
information science, education, Europe, cooperation
National Category
Social Sciences
Research subject
Library and Information Science
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-15664 (URN)9789533141206 (ISBN)
FEIS – International Symposium organized by EINFOSE, Pisa, Italy 10–11 September, 2018.
EINFOSE – European Information Science Education: Encouraging Mobility and Learning Outcomes Harmonization
Available from: 2019-01-14 Created: 2019-01-14 Last updated: 2019-01-15Bibliographically approved
Nolin, J., Axelsson, A.-S., Doracic, A., Lennartsson, C., Lloyd, A. & Nelhans, G. (2017). Response to Cult of the “I”. Journal of Documentation, 74(3), 668-671
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Response to Cult of the “I”
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2017 (English)In: Journal of Documentation, ISSN 0022-0418, E-ISSN 1758-7379, Vol. 74, no 3, p. 668-671Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to respond to an earlier article in the Journal of Documentation: The Cult of the “I”. Design/methodology/approach – The method is a form of critical response. Findings – Numerous problems regarding the The Cult of the “I” article are discussed. Originality/value – This paper puts forward views about the iSchools Movement

Branding, Library and information science, iSchools, Response, iField, Information Science
National Category
Information Studies
Research subject
Library and Information Science; Library and Information Science
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-13507 (URN)10.1108/JD-03-2017-0038 (DOI)000428538600011 ()2-s2.0-85035074414 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2018-01-15 Created: 2018-01-15 Last updated: 2021-10-20Bibliographically approved
Doracic, A. (2013). Alumnundersökning: Bibliotekarieprogrammet 2008-2011. Högskolan i Borås
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Alumnundersökning: Bibliotekarieprogrammet 2008-2011
2013 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Högskolan i Borås, 2013
Alumn, Library and information science, bibliotekshögskolan, uppföljning
National Category
Social Sciences
Research subject
Library and Information Science
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-4588 (URN)2320/12566 (Local ID)2320/12566 (Archive number)2320/12566 (OAI)
Available from: 2015-12-17 Created: 2015-12-17
Doracic, A. (2013). Alumnundersökning: Bibliotekarieprogrammet, distans, 2008-2012. Högskolan i Borås
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Alumnundersökning: Bibliotekarieprogrammet, distans, 2008-2012
2013 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Högskolan i Borås, 2013
Library and information science, uppföljning, alumn
National Category
Information Studies
Research subject
Library and Information Science
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-4589 (URN)2320/12567 (Local ID)2320/12567 (Archive number)2320/12567 (OAI)
Available from: 2015-12-17 Created: 2015-12-17
Doracic, A. (2013). Alumnundersökning: Webbredaktörsprogrammet 2009-2011, campus och distans. Högskolan i Borås
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Alumnundersökning: Webbredaktörsprogrammet 2009-2011, campus och distans
2013 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Högskolan i Borås, 2013
Alumn, Library and information science, uppföljning, bibliotekshögskolan
National Category
Social Sciences
Research subject
Library and Information Science
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-4590 (URN)2320/12568 (Local ID)2320/12568 (Archive number)2320/12568 (OAI)
Available from: 2015-12-17 Created: 2015-12-17
Doracic, A. & Flöög, E.-M. (2012). Alumnundersökning: Bibliotekarieprogrammet 2007 och Webbredaktörsprogrammet 2008. Högskolan i Borås
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Alumnundersökning: Bibliotekarieprogrammet 2007 och Webbredaktörsprogrammet 2008
2012 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Frågor som gäller utbildningens kvalitet och studenternas anställningsbarhet är viktiga för alla utbildande institutioner. Att studenterna har en god grund att stå på, generellt akademiskt och specifikt inom utbildningsområdet, är mål för verksamheten. Ett led i arbetet med att säkerställa att dessa mål uppnås är att genomföra alumnundersökningar, där studenter som avslutat sin utbildning tillfrågas om anställningsförhållanden och syn på utbildningens relevans i relation till deras yrkesutövning. Sedan 2010 ingår studentuppföljning (alumnundersökning) som ett kriterium i kvalitetsutvärderingssystem och resurstilldelning inom högre utbildning i Sverige (Högskoleverket 2011). I enlighet med detta och det kontinuerliga kvalitetsarbetet på institutionen har Bibliotekshögskolan i Borås nu för första gången genomfört en egen alumnundersökning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Högskolan i Borås, 2012
alumn, uppföljning, bibliotekshögskolan
National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
Library and Information Science
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-4537 (URN)2320/10922 (Local ID)2320/10922 (Archive number)2320/10922 (OAI)
Available from: 2015-12-17 Created: 2015-12-17
Doracic, A. (2012). iSchools iCaucus, Innebörd, krav och erfarenheter. Högskolan i Borås
Open this publication in new window or tab >>iSchools iCaucus, Innebörd, krav och erfarenheter
2012 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Rapporten inleds med en beskrivning om iSchools och iCaucus. Därefter besvaras uppdragets frågor. Rapporten utgår ifrån biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapligt perspektiv. Empirin samlades in från tillgänglig information på internet, litteratur och intervjuer. När det gäller resurser på internet har varit en viktig informationskälla liksom alla iSchool:ornas webbplatser med förbehåll att det kan finnas mer material än det som har publicerats på Internet. Forskning om iSchools börjar ta fart och funnen litteratur, främst i form av vetenskapliga artiklar bidrog med relevanta element som analyser av utbildningsplaner, anställningssammanställningar, akademisk tillhörighet m m. Dessutom gjordes en genomgång av tillgängligt konferensbidrag från de årliga iConferences.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Högskolan i Borås, 2012
iSchools, iCaucus
National Category
Information Studies
Research subject
Library and Information Science
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-4554 (URN)2320/11735 (Local ID)2320/11735 (Archive number)2320/11735 (OAI)
Available from: 2015-12-17 Created: 2015-12-17
Dahlström, M. & Doracic, A. (2009). Digitization education: courses taken and lessons learned. D-Lib Magazine, 15(3/4)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Digitization education: courses taken and lessons learned
2009 (English)In: D-Lib Magazine, E-ISSN 1082-9873, Vol. 15, no 3/4Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Abstract [en]

The Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) has for some years been offering courses in cultural heritage (CH) digitization in cooperation with some major national digitizing agents. During that work, various problematic issues and challenges, to some degree perhaps familiar to several other digitization educators, have arisen. This article describes the aims and nature of the particular CH digitization education at SSLIS, accompanied with a brief overview of Nordic CH digitization education efforts. Ten particular challenges when launching and managing the course are highlighted. By identifying such challenges and discussing possible ways to tackle them, the authors hope to encourage discussions that can serve future education planning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Corporation for National Research Initiatives, 2009
digitisation, cultural heritage, education, library and information science, text encoding, XML, cultural heritage digitization
National Category
Information Studies
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-2578 (URN)10.1045/march2009-dahlstrom (DOI)2320/4917 (Local ID)2320/4917 (Archive number)2320/4917 (OAI)
Available from: 2015-11-13 Created: 2015-11-13 Last updated: 2024-01-22Bibliographically approved
Doracic, A. (2008). Karriärplanering, det livslånga lärandet och högre utbildning: några tankar och erfarenheter från Informationsspecialistprogrammet på Bibliotekshögskolan, Högskolan i Borås. In: : . Paper presented at Workshop om generella kompetenser inom högre utbildning, Lunds universitet, Lund, 21-22 augusti.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Karriärplanering, det livslånga lärandet och högre utbildning: några tankar och erfarenheter från Informationsspecialistprogrammet på Bibliotekshögskolan, Högskolan i Borås
2008 (Swedish)Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
National Category
Information Studies
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-6106 (URN)2320/4564 (Local ID)2320/4564 (Archive number)2320/4564 (OAI)
Workshop om generella kompetenser inom högre utbildning, Lunds universitet, Lund, 21-22 augusti
Available from: 2015-12-22 Created: 2015-12-22 Last updated: 2016-11-18Bibliographically approved

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