Åpne denne publikasjonen i ny fane eller vindu >>2012 (tysk)Inngår i: Germanoslavica : Zeitschrift für germano-slawische Studien, ISSN 1210-9029, Vol. 23, nr 2, s. 37-48Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]
In his book "Hölderlin" Peter Härtling writes about a very famous German poet. Already in the first sentence Härlting´s narrator points out that he is not going to write a biography, but "perhaps an approach" - which means: Härtlings approach to Hölderlin. Here, this article takes its starting point, arguing that Härtlings writing about Hölderlin includes both biographical and autobiographical elemnets, as biographical writing described as an "approach" necessarily contains self-descriptions of the author. This becomes very evident when Härtling compares his own life-experiences to Hölderlin´s. Moreover it is totally obvious when the author reflects on his own way of writing about and portraying Hölderlin. In this literary process of approaching, Härtling´s narrator retrieves and invents Hölderlin. By literazing his literary portraits and images, Hölderlin seems to come alive by having his true image implyed. In this case, this is nothing but Härtling´s very own image of Hölderlin. On the whole even the process of ficitonalizating Hölderlin´s images by Härtling says more about the narrator himself than about Hölderlin. Härtling only knows Hölderlin as a character described by other authors or painters. This fact requires som clarification, namely that Härtling´s portraying can be nothing but an approach to a fictional character. Furthermore, it is important to notice that this approach takes place in the fictional space. This means that Härtling puts himself into this fictional space where he besomes a fictional character. More precisely, the ficitional characters of Hölderlin and Härtling are approached to each other in this fictional space, and in this very process, both the biographical aspects (related to Hölderlin) and the autobiographical aspects (related to Härtling) come up. Therefor I call this kind of writing "auto-biographical writing".
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky Slovansky Ustav, 2012
biografi, fiktion, Peter Härtling, Hölderlin, litteraturvetenskap, autobiografi
HSV kategori
Lärarutbildning och pedagogisk yrkesverksamhet
urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-1409 (URN)2320/11712 (Lokal ID)2320/11712 (Arkivnummer)2320/11712 (OAI)
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Institut för deutsche Gegenwartsliteratur und Deutschlandstudien vid Institutionen för språk och litteraturer vid Göteborgs universitet, Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Reupublik
2015-11-132015-11-132017-12-10bibliografisk kontrollert